My only regret is I wish I’d done it sooner!
I put off having a website for so long as thought it was just too tricky and complicated, but Fred and Penny humanised the whole process and made it so easy.Fiona Tylerson, Fairways Communications
Flat White Websites2018-02-18T10:06:43+00:00I put off having a website for so long as thought it was just too tricky and complicated, but Fred and Penny humanised the whole process and made it so easy.Fiona Tylerson, Fairways Communications White Websites
Check out different flavoured websites by our Flat White family
See how individual business owners – social media manager, fitness coach, yoga teacher, brand photographer, business storyteller, and so many more – have made our simple templates fit their individual brand.
The Espresso: single-page website
Karthryn Mitchell Coaching

Executive coach and mentor
Kathryn’s combined headshots and stock images brilliantly to create a distinctive website full of her brand and personality.
Susie Williams Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy and counselling
Clear information to explain exactly what Susie offers.
Hey Social Beings

Social media expert
Natty’s website is a brilliant demonstration of her skills with tone of voice.
The Macchiato: multi-page websites
Paradigm Fitness

Personal trainer
Phil’s made use of Extra Shots to tailor the whole website to his PT brand.
Susan Heaton Photography

Brand photographer
Susan’s website instantly demonstrates her skill for knowing what photos work.
The People Development Specialists

Executive coaching and team facilitation
Working with organisations across the globe.
The Cappuccino: online-shop websites
By Kala x

Handmade items with an African twist
Kala’s sells her eye-catching designs direct from her own website.
Bloody Brilliant Pads

Reusable plastic-free period pads
Zoë’s website is a brilliant platform for selling the pads and also sharing her expertise in how to be more sustainable.
Charlotte Riley Art

Charlotte showcases her art, inspired by the Wiltshire landscape, all for sale directly from her website.
The Flat White: online-services websites
Lucy Scott Yoga

Yoga instructor
Lucy offers classes, events and retreats, all bookable through her website.
Power to Speak

Vocal coach
Jackie’s shares her expertise in public speaking, selling online membership.
Bohem Notes

Business storyteller and coach
Nisha demonstrates her skill with storytelling with a brilliant combination of words and images, selling her coaching services online.
Get a real taste of the website you’ll receive
You can see exactly what will arrive in your inbox (but with your all-important business and personal details already in place) by clicking any button below.
The Espresso

Single-page website
Perfect if you’re starting out – dedicated sections with scrolling navigation so it feels like a full website, but super-quick to launch.
The Macchiato

Multi-page website
Home, About, Portfolio and Contact pages already in place, with unlimited extra pages and blogs.
The Cappuccino

Online-shop website
WooCommerce with shopping basket so you can sell a full shop’s worth of goods, online.
The Flat White

Services-selling website
Perfect if you want to sell services online via a Stripe payment button.